All events of life, all experiences, all teachings, all paths appear in Awareness and are in fact nothing but Awareness. Awareness is the seeker, Awareness is the seeking and Awareness is That, which is discovered by Awareness. This is Self-realization. No methods, no philosophies, no practices, just a direct pointing to what is never absent. This is the stunning purity of Ashtavakra Gita, an ancient yet little known scripture of Advaita Vedanta. It can be considered a truly universal text, for it does not date itself to any period of time, nor does it attach itself to any religion, culture, or ethnic group. This multilingual format brings out the simplicity & majesty of these verses of pure Non-duality, making them accessible to everyone on the spiritual path. Ashtavakra Gita is unattached to any religion, culture, or ethnic group. This multilingual format brings out the simplicity & majesty of these verses of pure Non-duality, making them accessible to everyone
Ashtavakra Gita by Ankur Gupta PLAIN