Reiki & Karuna Reiki
The Hands-On Healing Technique
Reiki is a natural healing technique that can be used on yourself and others. It is not a religion, nor a new age practice, cult or form of hypnosis. Reiki is “Universal Life Energy” or Chetna Shakti, which is the energy acting and residing in all created matter. Reiki is BEING this energy and healing.
Counseling & Coaching
Personal & Professional
Counseling helps you help yourself in all areas of your life, recognize your internal worth and examine the way you see yourself. When you feel -
• Overburdened
• Life is not working for you
• You don’t know what to do next
•The need to talk
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Heal Your Life
Louise Hay "Love Yourself"
"The Love Yourself Heal Your Life" is a very powerful 2 day workshop based on the philosophy of Louise L Hay.
The course includes some of the works of Patricia Crane PhD, Shakti Gawain, Deepak Chopra, Marianne Williamson etc.
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Angel Therapy
Readings & Learning "How-To"
Connecting and communicating with our Arch Angels and Guardian Angels is a wonderful experience, whereby we receive answers to what we are seeking. Angels also help us develop our inner perspectives of love and compassion.
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Based on Pythagorean Principles
A Numerology reading will give a clear insight about your personality, attitude, preferences and behavioral patterns.
On knowing these, you will gain a better understanding about your personality. Numerology helps in knowing different forecasts pertaining to queries you might have in terms of mergers, acquisitions, marriage, and family amongst an array of others.
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Zibu Symbols
Symbols of the Angelic Realm
These symbols work miraculously and almost instantaneously in all spheres of life.
Select and choose your Zibu Symbols and establish a personal connect with them. There are no restrictions on how you can use them. A pure heart and intent are all that is needed for these to work and angels to respond with their loving grace.
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Handwriting & Signature
Your Personality Secrets Revealed
Your handwriting is as individual as your thumbprint. Every loop and stroke reveals amazing details about your strengths, weaknesses, relationships as well as your past and perhaps even your future. You can even learn graphology yourself.
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EFT & Hypnotherapy
Energy & Psychological Therapy
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is a natural meridian points finger tapping and thought altering method derived from the ancient healing techniques of acupressure.
Hypnosis is a completely safe and harmless form of psychological therapy with a pleasant state of deep inner calm and physical relaxation. It is a recognized technique in modern medical portfolio useful for certain diseases and disorders.
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Sound Therapy
Nourishment & Healing for Wellness
Clinical studies prove that sound can boost the immune system, decrease stress hormones, lower heart rate & blood pressure, and induce alpha & theta brain wave patterns, associated with the production of endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers.
Singing Bowls produce sounds which invoke a deep state of relaxation which naturally assists one in entering into meditation.
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Teaching & Workshops
Self-Development : New Learnings
When individuals learn new techniques and tasks, they strengthen their brain, making it more resilient as well.
In shared learning, participants learn collectively to achieve a common objective. Group members share knowledge complementing each others skills.
If you’re constantly learning new things, you’ll be less prone to disinterest and use opportunities to enrich yourself.
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Aarti Gupta
Qualified, Experienced Counseling Psychologist & Reiki Master
💌 Love & 🔆 Light
Healing Circle (established nearly 25 years ago in 1997, by Mrs. Aarti Gupta) is a pioneering unique concept for Holistic Counselling, Guidance and Healing. She ( is an internationally certified Louise Hay Coach and workshop facilitator.
Trained in USA as an Angel Card reader with Doreen Virtue, she is also a certified Ho'oponopono (ancient Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and forgiveness) practitioner.
Mrs. Aarti Gupta has nearly 25 years experience, working with Educational Institutions having authored two books. Currently fully dedicated to her private practice at the Healing Circle, helping individuals help themselves - She lives a fulfilled and complete life.
You are welcome to come and meet her in the Reiki Circle for a free healing session. Post pandemic her Reiki Students and she meet, thrice-a-day, for free healing sessions over Zoom.
“Aao Dil 🧡 Halka Karein” (ADHK) An Informal Gathering to unburden ourselves is online every Thursday. We are also reading the book A Course in Miracles Made Easy by Alan Cohen
Sharing the Healing Circle world with you all my dear co-travellers
1️⃣ "Your Words and Thoughts Create Your World!"
Healing Circle
101 Ekta Elegance, New Link Road, Borivali (W), Mumbai 400091